The jackbox party pack is the ultimate collection of party games everyone can play. Even non gamers. All you need is a phone or internet device. Even my mom is an avid player. Its easy to get a large group to play and can even make the dullest family gatherings fun.

For one you have You Dont Know Jack which is the best trivia game ever. It will make you feel dumb but you will be having a laugh the whole time. Excellent humorous game show and i love the commercials at the end.

Fibbage is really good too. Theres a reason why they brought it back so much.

Loads if people like Drawful. Honestly i hate it cause i cant draw for shit on my phone. Yes i know thats kinda the point.

Word spud is pretty good too. Lie swatter is whatever. Overall its an excellent collection of games for a small price. We are up to jackbox 8 now and i think pack 1 is still my most played version.

Reviewed on Oct 30, 2021
