represents a paradigm shift in the way bad games are produced. gone are the brain melting glitches, interminable gameplay sequences, and actual heart born out of barely functioning custom engines built by 3 people in the basements of office buildings in some of new jersey's most fucked up municipalities. in their place, unity and unreal optimization bugs, cookie cutter models and animations purchased off asset stores, and an endless parade of content creators with names like "uncle fucksticks" or "the silly british twat" ready to declare the latest boring, unfunny piece of garbage the "worst game of all time". that's why this game earns the SlimeEnthusiast official seal of peeyoo! i'd rather put a video game in my arse than play this thing! this is worse than finding bits of shite in your bradbury's jam and toast! 1 star.............................out of 5!

Reviewed on Jan 14, 2023
