I made an account on IGDB and made fake cover art for this game just so I could deliver this message: Crazy Shooters 2, a free browser-based FPS with one or two maps maps almost directly copy-pasted from CS:Source (but with blocks covered in hieroglyphs everywhere added in), that has no proximity audio for gunshot noises or knife attacks (so someone attacking with melee on the other side of the map makes the exact same sound at the exact same volume as if you were to melee attack), and which will routinely bug out and make your character turn into a horrifying spider creature when you die and ragdoll, is upsettingly fun. Me and my cousin stumbled across this while searching a bunch of FreeUnblockedGames.com type sites looking for the lamest shit imaginable to play together and were shocked by how entertaining it is. It's clearly cobbled together from a ton of unrelated assets, it's ugly as sin, the sound design is atrocious, but at it's heart it's still a surprisingly solid and fast-paced arena shooter; it's got these whack-ass moon physics that can make it entirely possible to jump around the environment and gain good footing during gunfights, and pretty much every wall that isn't totally vertical can be jumped into repeatedly to accelerate up it- that's clearly a bug, but it also rules and lets you get to positions you otherwise wouldn't be able to. On servers with more than a few people free-for-all mode quickly turns into an engaging game of tracking other players and making sure you're constantly moving and switching between the 10 weapons it gives you to manage when you have to time your reload animations since the TTK is so low that getting seen while reloading basically means you're fucked. Idk. I realize that I'm heaping quite a bit of praise onto a game that looks like this, but this was a surprisingly good time for me. Like obviously if you want an outstanding multiplayer FPS with whacky mobility play like Titanfall 2 or something but if you wanna play something that's hilariously jank but that somehow manages to entertaining for an hour or two in spite of looking and sounding (and kind of playing) like a multiplayer FPS version of a game from a 1000-in-1 Gaming Pack CD you'd find at Staples, maybe give this one a go. Don't try this if you're currently playing an actual FPS you enjoy but it has charmed me.

Reviewed on Jun 12, 2022
