(just posting my long-winded steam review because I ironically don't wanna type more about a typing game)

I believe I got this game in a bundle years ago, and when I saw "typing chronicles" I automatically stored it deep within the recesses of my mind. I'd never played any kind of game with typing as a mechanic, and my dumb judgy brain thought that 'typing game' = 'educational boring time.'

A few days ago, I decided to start systematically going through my vast untouched steam library, and while there have been plenty of middling experiences throughout my journey, this game shone like the gem it is. The art style immediately grabbed me, the story was poignant yet beautiful, and the music kicked some real ASS. It didn't take more than 2 minutes for me to understand how the typing mechanic would be super fun, and it kept iterating and building on the base concept at a great pace. Some of the harder combat encounters got my heart beating faster than any exercise I've done in the last year, so that's pretty special. It felt like such a strong combination of love and skill to make this game happen, and I can't wait to dive into Nanotale next!

I'm not a reviewer and I don't want to keep rambling on about why I loved this game, but if you're put off by the typing mechanic in theory, just try the dang thing first before judging it! It'll probably surprise you.

Reviewed on Mar 16, 2022
