This review was written before the game released

I think it's hard to give this game anything above a 3, but I also don't think it's as bad as everyone says. As someone who has played maybe too much Overwatch throughout the years, I have had a lot of fun with Overwatch 2. I think the 5v5 system is a lot less chaotic than the old 6v6 teams and I enjoy the new maps and heroes for what they are. Comp has felt less like a sweat-fest and while I dislike the new ranking system, I can see what they were trying to go for even if it wasn't executed the best. However, the new battle-pass system is awful and will lock a lot of people away from getting the skins they want without paying for money which in my opinion, is just scummy. Overwatch 2 really is just Overwatch 1.5, but I don't really see that as a bad thing as the changes made I personally feel were for the best. Will it get better? Hopefully, but I hope Blizzard fills the game with enough content to keep it fresh because if OW2 stays the same through the years its relevancy will slowly diminish.

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2022
