This fat resources are sexy and the gameplay is not kosher. However, this erotic children's plaything sexually motivated hate-crime against pedophiles wasn't my cup of milk. Thankfully the lifeless corpses of nakeds erection breaking christ almighty denounces toilets licking deliciously tastefully. Milkman graphics are alright I guess, netplay on the other hand is horrendously castrated stupendously. Umm okay, does Nintendo really live like sloppy toppy? Racist.

Reviewed on Sep 10, 2021


2 years ago

reading this gave me 10 different strokes all at once

2 years ago

for some raw, real, off-the-cuff, racist context...
yeah so i was in a voice call and i got everybody to say one word at a time in order to create a review of rust. this was written by the unquestionable committee.