Kane and Lynch presents an interesting story about a irredeemable protagonist who ruins everything around him due to an obsession that surpasses his sanity. It's a shame that this story is embedded in a disastrous video game.

Kane and Lynch is a third-person cover-based shooter that, released shortly after Gears of War 1, seems like the developers didn't quite grasp how it should function.

The gameplay falls short in many aspects. Taking cover is a disaster, as you don't use a button for it; instead, you have to approach a SPECIFIC spot, and the character does it automatically. This brings many issues, as the game doesn't precisely indicate which objects you can use for cover and in what position you should be for the character to do it. So, you'll be moving around, waiting for the character to take cover while enemies fill you with bullets in the chaotic action where it feels like bullets are passing through walls.

One feature of the game is having companions to whom you can give various orders, similar to the game Spec-Ops. Unfortunately, the AI is terrible, and there are instances where your companions are standing still amidst chaos, taking damage (which is terrible because if any of them dies, the objective restarts), or shooting at you due to friendly fire.

Now, the graphics. I theorize that the game was originally intended for the PS2, but at the last moment, they decided to release it on Xbox 360 and PS3. Otherwise, I can't understand why the graphics and animations are so horrible; it's like watching a pre-alpha.

Despite everything, the game entertained me, especially the story and characters. I would have liked to learn more about Kane's and Lynch's pasts.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
