Manhunt is a game I always wanted to play but never got to it and here we are. Manhunt is about playing as a criminal who was sentenced to death by lethal injection and his name is James Earl Cash, suddenly you awake and you're forced to partake within this snuff film directed by a sadistic freak who gets high off of gruesome immoral acts known as Director Lionel Starkweather. You're his star and you must gruesomely kill the men he has hired in this film to hunt you and you must kill as violently as you can to get rid of these sadistic killers hunting you, you are being hunted by people who are objectively immoral and even worse than you are. Neo Nazis,Pedophiles,Child Killers,Rapists and you name it, these people are all wanting to kill you gruesomely within this snuff film in Carcer City. the Director will even use your family as bait to give you an objective during one of his scenes, then the next scene no matter what you do he'll kill them off anyways because he is a sadistic freak

The Gameplay of Manhunt is incredibly fun and satisfying. while the Gore and Executions seem unsettling, it's rewarding and satisfying to pull them off and even though you won't relate to Cash's cold and calm nature of pulling these executions off, you won't feel bad about executing these sick people you're being actively hunted by. the game is best during it's stealth sections where you have to calmly get by and carry out executions, but the game gets heavy in gunplay within the last 6-7 levels of the game. which make sense in the narrative perspective as you aren't being setup in the snuff film you survived but surviving being hunted by the police and trained killers Starkweather hired to neutralize you, the final scene is incredible and the atmosphere and ambience in the final boss is amazing.

The Music and Atmosphere of this game is incredible. the ambience you feel within the music and sfx can make the player chill, it reminds me of John Carpenter's Halloween with it's music. while the Atmosphere and Setting is perfect with the snuff film grain throughout the entire game and every scene being shown with a camcorder

My biggest flaw with this game is just some of the jank within rockstar's old engine and how the gunplay can get a bit frustrating and carried away near the end of the game.

Overall Manhunt is a near Masterpiece for me that almost barely misses the mark due to some outdated game design flaws. Manhunt is close to being a near perfect example of something that could only be done in a Video Game

Reviewed on Jan 12, 2022


2 years ago

Awesome review
thank you jerry!