I don't give bad ratings to games since I like to see posivity in them but this is the worst game I've played on PS5. The side characters had way too much goofiness (and to be clear I love the comedy from Pierce, Shaundi, Matt and others from previous games) but I never saw anything serious about these ones. They are bland and although there were comedy jokes that made me laugh it didn't feel right. The protagonist had some elements that I can abroad with. He's too goofy too but after a while we saw his serious side and I wished that is what we got from the beginning. This is NOT a saints row game to me. The music to me in this game was TERRIBLE and even being able to make ur own playlist didn't make it better. The best part of this game for me was the way the cars look and I can jump and flip them. That was awesome.

Reviewed on Jul 04, 2023
