Really fun to play almost 30 years after, because this game tried lots of stuff that most videogames haven't. Therefore, it's not intuitive how to play it and lots of the mechanics seem obscure. I'm the kind of guy that finds that fun/intriguing.

I haven't played it before 2022, so I'm in theory free of the nostalgia element, but man, there's a cool vaporwave music video that could be done from here and I love that. I feel that the 2D pixel art trying to be 3D and other aesthethic forms are imitated today by lots of indie games.

It's really cool to, like in a good b movie, feel like you are absolutely unaware of what the movie (videogame in this case) can and can't do.

Yeah, it's true, it's extremely slow but also extremely different to any other PS1 game (I know it's a Super Nintendo Game, but I played that port) that you have played. I won't consider it a survival horror anyways, because you don't have to save bullets or anything like that, but who cares. Gave me some pretty good scares.

And, OF COURSE, if you love Italian 70-80s horror movies (that me lol) it's an absolute must, it's the closest you can get to play a Phenomena videogame.

I donth think it's worthy to play for the gazillion endings (maybe I'm saying this because I got a good-canonical one) but I'd also say it's pretty short.

Best a e s t h e t i c s in a horror game!!! Love it!

Reviewed on Mar 14, 2022
