As someone who has never played a 3D Rareware game or any collectathon for that matter, this was my first experience with the genre, and I thought it was good enough.

Firstly the things I liked, I thought the maps for the most part were well designed, the first one is a good opening stage, the 3rd and 4th worlds are this game at its best in my opinion, engaging and tightly designed with a clear focus. I liked how the game controlled, the game has a nice style and soundtrack, along with a good sense of humour.

Now for the bad stuff, as much as I liked the worlds I mentioned, the 2nd and final world...not so much, they're not THAT bad just a bit poorly designed, the ice world mostly takes place in that platforming section with the change in camera angle which isn't a bad section, but there's not much to the actual ice world, and the space world was just kinda boring, maybe I was just getting tired at this point but something just felt off.

Then there's the bosses, the bosses aren't bad per say just kinda... there, they don't really feel important to the overall game, you just kinda find them, I enjoyed a few of them but still, and yes as you might've heard, the final boss is complete rubbish, it's long, boring and fustrating, all the worst traits a boss can have. 7, there's 7 phases with no checkpoints or health/ energy, so if you die you have to go back to the start, drag yourself through each phase and watch every mini cutscene. the final phase is easily the worst as you wont have enough energy, meaning you pretty much need full health so you can keep taking damage from the missiles, waiting for your gauge to refill. Two tips, equip the tonic that makes the gauge fill quicker if you've got it and yes you can get rid of the bee swarms by standing still and using the sonar blast. Best of luck.

Anyways moving on, I found the transformations not all that great with the exception of the piranhas and boat, I found rextros minigames to be a slog in the later half of the game, and the minecart sections, again in the later game, require ridiculous precision.

Lastly, and this might just be a me thing, but did anyone else have way too many times where you're stumped on a puzzle for ages, only for the solution to be something as simple as "use x move" and the like? Take the pink ghost in world 2 for example, It's stuck in a block, it looks like ice so naturally you'd use fire right? Nope, turns out it's not ice, and you have to use the sonar blast, this game is full of stuff like this and it does get annoying with how cryptic they can be, or the game not doing a very good job on telling you what moves you can use on what.

Overall though, I still had fun, it has it's problems that drag it down sure, but if you're a fan of the genre then it wouldn't hurt giving this a go, and If you're not, maybe watch some gameplay first to get an idea.

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2024
