WarioWare is easily one of the most artistically influential franchises of anything I've gotten to experience and the only reason I hesitated to not get this one while it was hot is cuz of Nintendo getting particularly bad on the biz side.
And I really don't feel like shilling out 40-60 bucks on games that are undoubtedly excellent and polished as hell but generally fairly short for that price, I'm just too used to getting stuff on sale and actively (trying to) support indies to the best of my ability to pay that much for games that are usually really interesting by design but also are just, on this console I have for those exclusives and nothing else.
The lifestyle of a Nintendo devotee was mine for years but it's hard to justify it to myself these days.

Depressing guilt trips over the realities of the AAA industry aside, this one's pretty good. Takes about 2-3 hours to beat which is very standard for WarioWare and there's a decent chunk of extra knickknacks if you wanna stick with it longer, being able to play through the entire game with 2 players on top of the varying characters and their distinct control schemes is really interesting design wise.
You'd think it'd be a lot more messy than how it actually is in the final game given the dozens of variables they just tossed into how they fundamentally make the microgames work but it works! For the most part, at least.
I've seen a lot of complaints about the constantly moving characters which is understandable, it is pretty tough to get a proper grip on them, particularly when you're shuffling between them and others that move completely differently.

But uhh yeah, it's WarioWare, and it's good! The callbacks are cute, seeing Pyoro again rules, it's easily the prettiest WarioWare there's been while still retaining the chaotic meshing of art-styles in the games themselves (I particularly love the Amazing World of Gumball-style real life meshing they do with animation for the "real world" cutscenes) and Penny's song is one of the greatest things to have struck this Earth last year.

I'm glad we got Gold but I am very stoked that this series is back proper, I don't expect we'll get another one until the next console gen (we're like 65% through the switch's lifespan rn, fucked up!!) but I don't care, this was good. Definitely gonna be the one reason my Switch will not be dusty as hell for the next couple weeks-ish. Okay maybe one week.
.. maybe like 4 days- (I wrote this back in like February. It barely lasted 4 days)

Reviewed on Oct 01, 2022
