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Great environmental design. The characters, not so much, the animation is not very good to the point where it just feels uncanny every time the charaters start to speak. Also I have to wonder why the developers thought that changing the texts in things like signs and posters to English was a good idea. The dual world system felt a bit pointless as it came with a hit on the graphical quality and the puzzles involving it wasn't particularly engaging or inventive. If anything, I think this would have been a better game if it did away with puzzles and focused more on walking simulator elements, letting players just enjoy the atmosphere and story without all the busyworks.

But the thing is that the story is a mess. There were points (including the ending) where I was easily able to predict what's going to happen next but this wasn't bad enough that I still wanted to keep playing to uncover what's happening. The biggest problem was how the game handled it's main theme, abuse. The game seemed to be more interested in making an excuse for the abuser's actions or even making players sympathise with them while portraying the abuse victim as someone who created this mass murdering monster that can only be stopped by killing the creator. Just leaves a sour taste in my mouth the more I think about it.

Reviewed on Jan 06, 2022
