This version is the best one you can play honestly. You can still play it the classic way (2 weapons, one style), but it officially supporting the Freestyle mod fixed one of my main issues with the game (having one style at a time sucked on some occasions). Having access to all weapons is cool too... sometimes. Mashing your trigger buttons to get the weapon you want in the heat of the battle isn't great. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to use Beowulf only to use Nevan instead...
I still got issues with the base game though. Grinding XP to level up a style sucks, some weapons not having Air Hike is stupid, having to buy Air Hike three times is stupid, the segment of the Arkham boss where you can't DT or use your style because you can control Vergil (who can defend you from the greatest threat known as the air if you don't summon him next to you) sucks, Vergil doesn't feel that good to play (maybe I got spoiled with how well he played in 4 & 5), and Beowulf's boss fight can choke on a traffic light. It's not that good of a game for me, but I still appreciate the impact it had on future games.

Reviewed on Sep 23, 2023
