This game was honestly awesome. Had this been another game, with characters named differently, I would've appreciated it a little more. As it is, the story is good if a little basic, the characters are somewhat likeable, but the dialogue is painfully cringy 9/10 times, Donte's voice actor sounds like he doesn't care that he's playing a character at times. Just look up some cutscenes online and tell me his screams aren't forced.

Combat though? It's insanely fun, I (somewhat) love how it was handled in this game. Rebellion's moveset is really good, and the other weapons are almost all good. I had no issues balancing between Angelic and Demonic weapons for certain types of enemies, it made the game way more fun and engaging for me. No enemy really pissed me off honestly, except maybe Witches, their shields take too long to break. My only issues would be the lack of a lock-on (although I heard they added it in the Definitive version but I got no console so), it really screwed with me as I was so used to some moves from previous games relying on it (Stinger, for example). Also, was it just me or Devil Trigger NEVER activates when you want it to? I mashed the activation a lot before it actually triggered

The presentation, holy shit. Limbo is an incredible set-piece, every level was so elevated from its acid trip, constantly changing level design. The arenas for Bob Barbas and Lilith's Club + her boss fight were absolutely insane eye candy and so memorable. Music was kinda hit or miss, sorry Combichrist and Noisia but I couldn't tell the difference between your music at times, it blended too much into the background while fighting for me to pay attention to the music. Some tracks did stand out (Throat Full of Glass, WTF Is Wrong With You People?, Empty and Lilith's Club were all bops), but it's not enough.

Honestly, don't let other people deter you from playing this game, it's really fun at its core and it's up to you to see if you liked the story or not. As a fan of the series, all I'll say is avoid DMC2 because that is not fun

Reviewed on Jan 21, 2024
