So uh I won't comment on the cesspool that is the Multiplayer of this game, I never played Halo for that

Campaign was solid, I like the open world structure of it (albeit it felt very short?) , story was okay, music was okay. I've always liked a human Chief, and this game has a good balance between that and badass. Other characters were kinda one-note. I feel this gameplay is a solid foundation for the future, just make it last longer

Oh boy, playing this campaign in multiplayer tho. Here's a list of bugs and such me and my friend encountered:
- Spartan Cores were not getting added to my count unless my friend left the game
- Several cases of inability to switch between abilities unless we died
- One Outpost failed to load, we could just walk about until we restarted the game
- Loading screen splash screen didn't appear once, so we got to see the world and textures load in real time
- Several instances of my friend not seeing his player model, weapons and grapple were basically floating
- Completed the first part of the final mission so fast we softlocked ourselves
- Poorly timed achievements
It's a mess, but it's playable

Reviewed on Aug 13, 2023
