Absolutely one of the coolest fucking things I've ever seen. Especially as someone who is in film school, getting a degree in editing, it's fascinating to see a game take that and turn it into a super compelling mystery. Editing is already inherently a puzzle to solve; you're sitting there staring at these rushes, trying to work out how it all fits together as one cohesive whole. Immortality does the same thing, you're piecing together these stories through the eyes of an editor, working out how all these different pieces slot into place, as the full picture slowly comes into view. It's absolutely wonderful narrative design, and that's before it twists itself on its head.

The ending had my jaw on the floor, horror doesn't usually work on me but god I could not sleep after that. This shit festers in your head like a parasite. Fucking amazing game.

Reviewed on Sep 03, 2022
