Back in 2015, when the original game got released on the Wii U, I remember being so excited for this game. As a long time fan of the Mario franchise and kid with an overactive imagination, I was thrilled to play that game. It is definitely my most played Wii U game to date. Then when the Switch came around and rumors of this game began to spring up, I just was not as thrilled. Once the announcement for this game came, I just did not feel anything. I was more excited about Tetris 99 which was revealed in the same Nintendo Direct. With all that being said, I still love this game.

As a kid though, I would not have been as happy with this game. Not because of the concept, but more so because of the building aspect. It's impossible to build anything whether you're on the TV or in handheld mode. This definitely could have been remedied with some AR pointer controls which really would make the building process a whole lot better. But there is so much more content to build with. Buttons, switches, slopes, platforms, and bosses, there is so much more to this game than was ever on the Wii U title.

From the perspective of an adult who really has less time to make endless Mario levels and would more prefer to just hop on and play some Mario levels when I'm bored, this game drastically improves upon the original. Levels are actually way better due to the higher skill level for making levels, it's easier to sort by what you want so you don't just end up playing what's on the hot page half the time. Clear conditions make the unique level design come to life and the story mode makes me wish that Nintendo would just give us another unique 2D Mario game.

However, for now, this game will do, as updates and patches came out it left the game in a much more playable state with much better content but if you bought this game on launch with the shoddy online, I am so sorry. If anyone wants to know what the Mario Maker experience was like on the Wii U, get them this game but I will always prefer the original, even if I end up scoring that one lower.

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2021
