The game is fine itself, each character feels distinct from one another, and they all have something to bring to the table, even characters who are on paper, very similar like Hawkeye, and Kate Bishop. Where the game falters, is lack of content after the end of the campaign. Usually, this isn't something I'd have issue with, I usually don't stick around to play after the campaign anyway, but this is a live service game. It's campaign is about 12 hours long, with the two expansions Taking AIM, and Future Imperfect. After you beat this content, you have the Avengers Initiative, which includes several missions, in around 7 different locations. Each area feels distinct, but the missions inside do not. Once you've played one drop zone, you've played them all, and once you've beaten each of the 3 villains, you've beaten seen all there is to know. So, the whole crux of the game falls upon leveling each of your characters, and completing their challenge cards. Sadly, leveling characters requires playing missions, and the repetition of the missions kills it. The challenge cards, even ignoring that they end, ruining the infinite playability, the challenges are often required to be completed by you and only you. It results in either having to have your friends stop to let you complete your challenge, making it not fun for them, or have your AI companions steal your kills, making it not fun for you. I do think this game has a solid base, it just needs to fix the variety, but it never can succeed. Avengers was doomed from the start, it's fate decided before it could get a chance. Even now, you can see the effects of this, when the time needed to level up was increased from 3 times per mission, to 1 per mission. It only added around an extra hour of play, and actually helped increase longevity in a natural way, but was met with articles titled "The Avengers Grind Is About To Become More Of A Grind" or "Marvel's Avengers is making levelling... grindier?" Small improvements are lambasted, and new campaign updates like Taking AIM offer far too little content to have people return, and what content is only allowed to be played once. Both of the new expansions came with new boss battles, yet you could only fight each boss once a single campaign mission. Why? Why even bother for making one time fights, never to be reused, in a game meant to be played for hundreds of hours? My recommendations can't save this game, but what I would do, add new villain sectors utilizing all bosses, not just the 3 they find worthy, and focus on releasing small updates every month, instead of medium sized ones every 3. If we could get, just one new type of mission, or level layout each month, with small quality of life changes, and grind fixes for the next year, with a new place to explore, and hero to play every 6, this game would be well on it's way to fixing it's issues.

Reviewed on Oct 18, 2020

1 Comment

3 years ago

I disagree.