A very fun concept executed fairly decently! It's a movement shooter but it's based around blasting holes in the enviorment. You jump, slide, dive and wall run around, having to maintain your slowmo by killing enemies. I like this mechanic in some respects, but sometimes it feels like the a lot of the game is too dependant on this mechanic. Often times, you'll find yourself in a situation where because your slowmo ran out, you're essentially screwed. There's also times where you click the slowmo or the blaster button and they just don't work, but I assume that's more a bug. It's rather annoying when it happens though because not being able to do those things means almost certain death.

Some levels utilize the destructible enviorment idea to a really cool degree, letting you make ideal routes to get to specific objectives. It's fun to just split second decide to just blast a hole in the floor and to fall down to then make another hole for yourself to reach an objective.

The music is a big pillar for this game. It's a lot of breakcore and electronica, and it really helps pump you up to do some crazy sick moves. It really puts you in a flow state, accompanied with the gameplay loop. Close to Neon White levels of flow state for me, but just not quite.

Had a lot of short but sweet fun with this one!

Reviewed on Dec 23, 2022
