this is a sweet little RPG maker style game where you play a little kid named Nim. he's the son of a world famous occult leader and he doesn'tseem to really be cut out for the occult business. Nim tries to impress not only his dad, but prove that he is cut out of the world of the occult by trying to literally summon satan himself but instead summons the 7 deadly sins.

The game is very very simple, relying more on writing and quippy dialouge more than an actual game as the game is really a simple excersise in excersising the individual sins from specific rooms in your dads house. Each sin is in an appropriate room like Gluttony being in the dining room, Envy being in your fathers room, and Sloth being in your room. if i had to pinpoint any negatives about the game as a GAME is the fact that the game relies on a very copy paste formula where you walk into a room, you watch the sin phase into an object, you walk to the object and then hear a quip about the object. and then the sin will phase into another object. this repeates until the room is in shambles and then you can excersise it.
i would say that you don't really play this kind of game for the gameplay however and the writing in here is really charming. occassionally silly, sometimes a tad weak, but overall really solid. i found myself chuckling at more than one occassion. the game really does radiate a sense of personality however, with it's pink/red/black color pallate that adds to the over occult theming going on throughout the story.
The music is also another fantastic highlight. even though there are only a small handful of tunes that play through your game time and they do play essentially all back to back, i found myself humming along with most of them by the halfway point of the game. they're all really infectious and the games final track in particular, paired with the little montage alongside it was really sweet, honestly touching and reminded me that i should play more games like this again.
what starts as a story of trying to summon the devil actually becomes a story about being ok with yourself and realizing that your flaws and mistakes make you who you are.
And you know what? that's alright with me.
Nim's Sin Removal Service is a beautiful little thing... even if it isn't perfect. but hey, who is?

Reviewed on Dec 15, 2022
