TL;DR - It's okay, had some really bad pacing issues but the gameplay was tight enough that it was an enjoyable enough experience.

This game was great up until I got to the castle, which is when the pacing ground to a halt as Ashley gets kidnapped, then rescued, then kidnapped in a cycle for the last two thirds of the game. Not only that, but that's also when the game started throwing a lot of bullshit at me too and I just stopped having fun. I couldn't find any good accessibility options in the menu, or even what you'd expect from a PC port.

Why, then, is this game considered one of the greatest games ever made? Is it because it's actually an amazing game? Or is it because this is the game that came out when a bunch of millennials were teens and so they're nostalgic for it (it's the latter).

Now that the complaining is over with, I still thought this game was pretty good, and worth a playthrough. The controls had a learning curve but were rock solid otherwise (aside from the godawful tracking speed), and the Regenerators were a cool way to add some fear into an otherwise not scary game. Leon also has the cheesiest lines which added a good element of camp into this game.

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2021
