First played this game a few years ago but recently bought NEO so I wanted to replay it before then and man, this game just rules. All the characters are very well written and likable (Neku's my favorite, but I can't help but love Joshua because he's just a little shit), and the art style is very unique and stands out from most other games. Another main attraction is the music, which is like a cross between Jet Set Radio and Persona 3's soundtracks, but is unique enough that it stands out on its own as one of my favorite game soundtracks ever.

The gameplay is where (Final Remix, specifically) struggles, being a seemingly half hearted Switch port of the mobile version. It becomes far more enjoyable playing solo co-op (2 controllers, one player) and controlling both characters at once, leading to some very satisfying combos, but re-calibrating the pointers constantly and having pin gestures constantly misread is really not suitable for an action RPG. Battle arenas often stretch past one screen of camera space too, and sometimes enemies will be in corners covered by UI making attacking them weird and awkward.

Although personally I'd recommend the DS version (note: I haven't played it, I've just heard it controls the best), this is an okay alternative if you want to experience the game, which I do recommend. It's fantastic.

Reviewed on Dec 07, 2021
