Completion: ~40-50%, beat all substories and Amon

Fun game as always, but probably the messiest storywise. Nothing made sense at the end because every character was a traitor multiple times so it got to the point where my brain shut off completely. Same thing for the plot twists, there were several that happened in the last few chapters alone for some reason. Not as well written as a lot of the other games for sure.

Played on hard but didn't have a difficult time at all, there was just enough challenge to keep it fun while also still feeling like enemies weren't sponges. Tanimura was probably my least favorite character to play, which made the final boss that much worse because he's not at all equipped to deal with crowds, and the final boss was a crowd of bodyguards surrounding you while the main villain fires on you from a distance and runs away when you try to get close. All of the characters were likeable enough, at least, both to play and how they acted in the story.

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2022
