I enjoyed it, but not nearly as much as RE2 Remake. There wasn't much puzzle solving at all which disappointed me, and it was mostly limited to exploration and combat. There never was a sense of terror when playing this game, which disappointed me, but it was still fun overall. Nemesis was just a series of scripted events and boring boss fights and I would consider him to be easily the worst part of this game. Mr. X's novelty as a stalker wore thin pretty quickly, but mercifully you only had to fight him once (although you had to fight Birkin multiple times, but he would go down fairly quickly). Exploring Raccoon City was fine, but you basically saw all there is to see in the first hour and the locations you're in feel very cramped, so I kind of wish they let you see more of the city.

It's fine, I enjoyed this game and would recommend it to any Resident Evil fan, but I don't know if this would be a good game to start on for newcomers. Definitely wouldn't recommend getting at full price, but it's a good game to wait for a sale if you're looking for an RE fix.

Reviewed on Nov 02, 2022
