Really fun game that focuses on gameplay and getting as strong as possible in as little time. All of the characters are completely different and unique from one another making it feel fresh whenever you unlock a new character. The items in the game are the main way of getting stronger and they all interact with one another that can help you create completely busted runs. For the most part, items have conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to receive the effects from them, making it so it’s more interesting when you are able to find items that fit together well, rather than if every item was simply a flat buff to stats. The biggest problem with the game is it’s very repetitive. After you know what all the items do and how to counter all the enemies, the game doesn’t have a lot left to show you, so if you aren’t interested in playing for the fun of it and simply to get better or get a god run, then it’s worth for you will probably run out at around 20-40 hours. But if you want an easy to load up game to kill some time and enjoy yourself, very few games can do it better.

Reviewed on Dec 25, 2023
