This game is pretty much what Web of Shadows fans think their game is (and if you asked me 2 weeks ago I'd have been no different).

When comparing it to the first game though, Spider-Man 2 lacks the same emotional weight the first game's third act contained, despite the stakes being much higher. Outside of that though, the story and characters that aren't just named Peter Parker are much more consistent and focused than the first, which tried to juggle 6+ villains in the main story and only one of them having the proper development to be remembered in the contents of the game. There's also the ending, which while promising, isn't as satisfying as it could be, and much like Across the Spider-Verse, is kind of the point. But just like that ending its hard to judge the direction taken until the next entry arrives.

Only other gripe is definitely the post game content, or severe lack thereof. Despite the leaps and bounds made for the combat and traversal, despite how much more quality the side missions are while cutting out the fat the first game threw at random, Insomniac seemingly cut way more than intended, leaving post game being way more empty compared to Miles' game, which is rather disappointing, not to mention New Game Plus and Day/Night cycles being absent at launch, though already confirmed for future patches.

Great game for anyone wanting more out of the first two entries, but deserved a few more months of development to surpass the quantity the first game delivered at its base.

Reviewed on Nov 11, 2023
