Boltgun is godlike. It’s the first FPS in a while to really nail things down perfectly for me. The guns are powerful and have outstanding audio and visual feedback, the enemies are varied with such detailed designs and suitably implied behavior, and the environments are inspired and don’t really get too boring. Above all, the music is outstanding, the pixel art is superb, and there's a taunt button. The game really sells the 40k Space Marine power fantasy in the best possible way and it’s a blast to play through.

The game is so good that it’s kind of hard to really go over all the areas it succeeds in, it’s too much to go over. It is well worth the 20 dollars considering the sheer quality of the content it delivers, and especially considering the price tags seen on other indie games offering far less. Buy it and play it, this is by far the best 40k shooter released to date.

With that being said, there are a handful of irritations I had with the game that I wanted to cover.

1. Please let me buffer inputs and quickswap while using the Plasma Gun. It is REALLY annoying for it to be the only gun that doesn’t instantly respond to a weapon swap or reload like all the other weapons. I’ve died a lot during encounters for daring to fire this weapon and just being stuck standing there while I wait for the recovery frames before I can act again.

2. Reloading is a mixed bag with the weapons. Being able to quickswap between weapons makes doing weapon combos really fun; but then needing to stand in place and manually reload every weapon is really tedious. It’d be really nice if a weapon would automatically reload if you haven’t used it or swapped to it for 5 seconds. If there are pressing design considerations surrounding this, having it as an accessibility option would also be perfect.

3. It is a little ridiculous that you need to reload a weapon and reduce the reserve ammo under its maximum before you can pick up more ammo. It’s busywork for no real reason.

4. Finally, the weapon balance is pretty solid, but in particular the Shotgun feels quite weak compared to the rest of the weapons. It could do with a damage buff but I don’t think that’s the only solution. Tightening the spread on the shots, increasing its ammo, etc. are all suggestions but I just think the weapon needs a little love so it feels more rewarding to use.

With that out of the way, you should buy and play this game; buy it for your friends too! Please release DLC as well, thank you.

Reviewed on May 30, 2023
