Just Cause 1 has to be one of the best funbad games I played, right up there with Deadly Premonition. It's a fucking terrible game to start with, it aged like milk (it honestly feels like a PS1-era shooter), and the narrative TRIES SO HARD TO MAKE YOU THINK ITS COOL AND BADASS AND FAILS SO MISERABLY. There are difficulty spikes up the ass, you can die and never find out if you killed yourself with a bad rocket from your heli, if one single enemy that you cannot possibly see from so far away launched a rocket or if the game decided "fuck you die", YOU WOULD THINK IM FUCKING JOKING BUT THERE ARE CERTAIN CAR TYPES THAT WILL IMMEDIATELY LAUNCH YOU INTO THE STRATOSPHERE AND KILL YOU IF YOU GET INTO THEM. There are fucking cars that just don't drive in this game (one of them is your summon, you literally have 4 vehicles you can summon to your location in this game, and one of them DOSEN'T WORK), any angle above 15 degrees will turn your car into a slab of butter and launch you at mach speed in the opposite direction, there are random fucking rocks in the jungle that you will crash into over and over if you ever get off the road, there are literal PITFALLS in the middle of the jungle because the topography of these islands doesn't make a lick of sense. This game is literally trolling you every minute you are playing, it feels like an elaborate shitpost, I couldn't stop laughing in between fits of rage, this almost feels like a psyop and the worst thing is, I kinda fucking liked it. I finished the story, it ends with you strapping C4 to the president while you are skydiving in purgatory and then the protagonist opens a parachute, puts on sunglasses, and your handler says "The president always wanted to be an integral part of the country, now he's all over the country" while the president gets fucking nuked by your C4. But I cannot IMAGINE getting around to 100% of the game, there's like a billion randomly generated missions that are just terrible. But fuck it, doesn't matter, this game is going around for a goddamn $1, the campaign is 8 hours max, just play the campaign, it's so stupid it wraps around to being a great time.

Reviewed on Dec 20, 2023
