The aesthetics, story, worldbuilding, (and this extends somewhat to characters), are so peak. But then you actually have to play this, and between lenghty animations that Remaster refused to speed up in any capacity, the random encounters out the ass, the inability to skip cutscenes you already saw (why the fuck was this not added in the remastered?) and the frankly frustrating bosses with borderline esoteric mechanics... this game ends up being "pretty good" or just kinda alright. I would be very interested in a proper remake or a way better remaster. Yojimbo is LITERALLY the only reason I finished this game because you can pay him money to one-shot bosses, which might I say, is a cool as hell mechanic. Also, this is probably one of the most fucked, grim, fantasy settings I have seen in a while, yet it's wrapped in this colorful, hopeful, and cheery attitude from locations to characters to their solutions to problems. It sounds bi-polar, but somehow it really pulls it off, FFX is truly a one-of-a-kind experience, and just the fact I played out this 45-hour campaign has to say something. Yeah, the game is quite long, a little bit too long in my opinion, some of that stuff should have been optional, and there's also so much optional shit to do too, it's kinda crazy how much a bang for the buck this one is.

Reviewed on Mar 13, 2024
