Ronimo games are some of the chillest devs ever. Anyways here's a useful chronicle for this game:
2012: vanilla release, masterpiece of a game. PC port coming later and being the peak of the game.

2013: continuous great content and quality of life updates. Matchmaking and game balance still sucks dick but it doesn't matter, the game is wonderful. Later on in the year a dlc kickstarter campaign reaches its donation goal promising everything the game actually needs.

2014: first and only super major tournament is organized, played and casted to moderate success. Some DLC stretch goals are met, good support for the game keeps rolling out frequently, but promised starstorm map gets delayed and features left in a sort of beta state. "Skolldir's legs incident"

2015: growing frustration from the community, free content keeps rolling out but the matchmaker still sucks and the new map isn't finished. Suddenly devs try to revamp as much shit as possible and add a shitty XP system no one likes and half the playerbase quit.

2016: another expansion is announced, promising to finish all the features they promised years ago. Starstorm map and new matchmaker roll out later on in the year, one of the best balanced patches come out and the game balance leads gets kicked out from the team and the community has to balance the game for the devs. Lol.

2017:...........mod support? The game continues to bleed players constantly.
Oh yeah also we're revamping most of the game For realsies this time :)

2018: PR disaster strikes during ronimo's last shot at making this game relevant again and the game flat out stops working halfway around the year, one of the worst balanced patches comes out and also some pedos come out from the community making the game totally unapproachable. I make a thread making fun of the devs and have my memes immortalized in game. Final update of the game comes out and the devs go work on something else. The game is left as a shell of what it used to be.

2019: you get to play MINECRAFT WITH THE GAME DEVS and hear one of the devs explain why he couldn't say racial slurs in the UK. official awesomenauts forums get hacked compromising ppls emails and passwords


2021: no new updates, the game is actually really great and fun nowadays but you have to grind a shit ton.

Reviewed on Jul 16, 2021
