pretty fun but if you care about the story then its pretty overwhelming if you're not properly initiated in the topic of asian wars or their respective anime adaptations, branching paths make repeated playthroughs more bearable but without a guide you're left wondering what you're even doing at first since there's no clear indication of what consequence your choices make in the story.

otherwise the combat mechanics are decent, depending on your character some moves will be cancellable into others or you'll be left kiting enemies before doing a laggy hard to aim special move in hopes of maintaining a decent combo count. It doesn't feel too far removed from its sophomore successor's attempts at a modernized action combat, or janky enough that i would consider it categorically an archaic early 6th gen game, the combat feels just right, once you fully upgrade a character that is.

i speak as a stranger to the musou genre and with very few hours in this game, having only played through 3 campaigns, that i think this style of game is pretty based, a single playthrough is short and i've yet to try a co-op run of any musou games but if any bad bitches would like to adapt old yugioh or +r into a musou game i would not object.

Reviewed on Feb 12, 2023
