I'll try not to look at the game with rose-tinted nostalgia glasses as much as I can. I loved just sailing the seas and plundering all the ships and exploring the world when I was little (and just played anything that came my way).

Now that I've grown and can see past the initial appeal. It starts off strong though content and anything new to see run dry rather quickly. Ships are cool, jungles are cool, the (two) cities are decent to climb about; all of that becomes repetitive past the 10 hour mark.

The story had potential as well but felt like it was thrown on a wild goose chase somewhere in the middle and towards the end they remembered they had to resolve the whole Assassin's vs Templars conflict. The characters are greatly portrayed and the voice work is nice. The off-Animus sequences felt a little out of touch and their resolution was weird to say the least (not sure if there's any connection to AC3 in that regard, don't remember much).

All in all it's a fun pirate game if you just want to turn off your brain and plunder ships, don't expect the most variety when it comes to content though.

Reviewed on Apr 13, 2024
