For the life of me I don't remember getting this game, but it magically appearing in my little blue DS carrying case that had nine slots for games (IYKYK). I got it used so it had someone's data on it, I was so confused about the mechanics and plot, so when I reset my own file, I thought it'd be better, but it wasn't. It was so grindy (not that I knew that at the time), it was so slow-moving, and I kept getting stuck with no clue where to go, and since it was such a sluggish process (exploring and fighting) I got bored and never finished. Loved InuYasha though so it was just good to have an InuYasha game I could take on the go. I wouldn't recommend it though, not even for nostalgia, it doesn't hold up, at all.

Reviewed on Dec 02, 2023
