A friend convinced me to get this game because he said it was reeeeeeeaaaaaaally fun.

...There is uh, definitely some fun to be had when playing with friends but....This game just ain't for me. To me it just felt like the worst part of mining in Minecraft, which is trying to get the minerals and materials you need while also trying not to get killed.

But in Minecraft I don't mine because I want to, I mine because I need to...And I think this game focuses just a liiittle bit too much on the doing tasks aspect, rather than the killing alien monsters aspect. Half the time I just felt like I was doing homework more so than actually having fun.

I know I am in the minority here, since most people praise this game to hell and back but...Yeah, it's just not my cup of tea.

But rock n' roll and kidney stones!! as these little bearded freaks say.

Reviewed on May 06, 2024
