You either like or dislike this one. Personally, I like this game, even if it is another "step in the right direction" without actually getting there.

I actually played this one when it came out on the Switch, but it didn't have all of the added content and improvements that it had almost a year later when I decided to revisit it on Steam.

I think this game is fun! I know that it looks and a lot of the time just feels like SEGA hired the man and made a "This is what Sonic's graphics will look like in 2015"...But running around as Sonic and doing random platforming challenges IS fun, I don't know what to tell you.

I think the key to this game's success is the fact that it doesn't give you much time to stand still and realize how empty these islands actually are. Each island is full of so many ramps and loops and rails and enemies and collectables... That you are going to keep yourself busy running from one place to the next, just doing cool tricks and going fast as Sonic.

I also don't hate the cyberspace stages as much as everyone else; sure, some of them are massive stinkers but when they are good...They are GOOD. I just wish that they hadn't brought back Green Hill, Chemical Plant and Sky Sanctuary for the millionth fucking time; also that more of these were more similar in difficulty to 1-2, because that is the only hard cyberspace stage in the whole game....And you play it literally in the first island.

But by far, the best part about this game are the Super Sonic boss fights. I can't believe they finally fixed Super Sonic....They finally made Super Sonic fights that actually feel good to control and cool to watch...And it only took them what, 30+ years?

Just the way these fights are presented, Sonic's enhanced moveset during these, how flashy he looks, the sheer scale of these titans, the quicktime events...Everything works! When Sonic grabs one of them, spins it around and tosses it against a fucking mountain...MAN!

And the music? .............HOLY SHIT! Sonic games are known for having great soundtracks at the very least, even if the games themselves are shit...But holy fuck man! This game's boss themes are absolutely spectacular and I never get tired of listening to them on repeat.

Anyway, there are a few things that I do dislike about this game; it takes itself a bit too seriously at times, 2D cyberstages are indeed big poopoo, the base momentum still isn't quite there, the artstyle sucks, the pop-in sucks, the combat is half baked, the final boss is a joke....

But you know what? I don't care.....Because they added the spindash- DUDE THEY ADDED SO MUCH STUFF AND THE SPINDASH!

I didn't get to play with the spindash when I played on Switch...But a year later on Steam?! With the added momentum and being able to maintain my speed after a jump? ..............AND THE SPINDASH?! I swear to god, this game plays completely different after the updates, and when you add all of these to Sonic's moveset, he feels SO incredibly good to control!!!

I also added a few mods to improve the movement since I was playing on PC and boy... I don't know how much they actually affected my experience...But it felt AMAZING to just fly around and reach insane distances and heights just by building momentum. Just thinking about it makes me want to play this game again.

Alright, that's it, I've gushed for long enough. Game good bye.

Reviewed on May 07, 2024
