Cute girl in short ass skirt (or bikini) chainsawing down zombies and other stupid shit happens, what's not to love? Well, it's really cool but I didn't ended up enjoying it as much as I thought I would, but I'll get to that in a bit. Also Evil Dead costume. This is a game I really wanted to play when it was new but had no way to do so, so I tried to go off just watching vids of it alone, years later in 2019, I finally had a way on my PS3 and I did exactly that! I quite liked it, tho not 5 stars cuz I didn't love it or enjoy it as much as I thought I would...maybe it'll be more fun with a keyboard on RPCS3? Is it cuz so much time has passed that my hype died down a little? Who knows... on the other hand, I can only imagine how the remake will turn out by the way...personally I'm sick of remakes and the nostalgia trend in general now, but in this case I also get that this game would be hard to port without butchering the soundtrack...damn you, music industry, I guess. Still, I'd still love a proper remaster port of this...oh well, RPSC3 and Xenia is here now

Reviewed on Sep 11, 2023
