Great game, a lot of fun and badass moments. Storytelling is definitely great. But godawful PC port, hands down one of the worst of all time...with no patch in sight...

I grabbed this on Steam when they were giving it away for a while in 2017...I tried and gave up on various attempts up until 2018. I had some attempts in 2016 aswell.

We finally beat this thing with my wonderful friend joining me for co-op (which we activated through Radmin VPN). He made what otherwise would be a troublesome run once again a lot more fun and showed me a lot of cool things too :)

I'm also just so glad to finally beat this thing, whew...a literal 9 years after beating 3 and 4 but here we are lol...also 8 after Gat Out of Hell I guess but fuck that game.

I still prefer 3 and 4 gameplay-wise but storywise this is definitely something else, sucks the series got a bit flanderized and flat out abandoned plotlines with 3 onwards to it's eventual recent demise...this misguided mindset to differentiate itself from GTA among other things really wasn't a good idea.

We played on Casual difficulty since Co-op doubles the enemy count and makes some things harder.
We used Gentlemen of the Row (you both need the exact same version for Co-op to work), 4GB patched exe, DXVK and High Quality Radio mods to fix and improve the game as much as possible and reduce crashes...still had some dumb crashes here and there but it's made the game a lot more stable with a fluid 60FPS. I cannot tell you enough to check out guides and tutorials to how to make this port as smooth as possible through guides on YouTube and Steam, you'll need it.

Between no port of 1, this thing will likely never getting that patch, that weird remaster of 3 no one asked for and 4's Re-Elected update breaking mods and GOTH and further on...Saints Row is easily one of the worst preserved franchises of all-time and it's a damn shame cuz these games truly deserve better.

One of the ports of all-time.
I finally go to make a bad asian bitch in high heels tho! again!

Reviewed on Dec 20, 2023


5 months ago

I tried to play this cuz I loved Saints Row the Third.

the PC port is literally unplayable for moi

good essay man u always knck it outta da park

5 months ago

@Spinnerweb Thank you bro...and I've been there, hopefully you get through that bs to finally play and beat it too