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For a sequel to a game I don't think was ever expected to get a sequel, it's pretty good! It definitely has that VLR problem of weird retcons to fit the plotting, but overall that plotting is good. More importantly everything is wrapped up nicely by the end, at the very least they learned their lesson from VLR.

Most importantly it fixes up the somniums which were by far AI's weakest element. They're nothing to the level of ZE's puzzles, but they're just good enough to keep you engaged. Somniums in the first game were usually set where a murder occured or something else just as plot intensive. They didn't give us any deeper insight into the persona of the characters. Now they expand on a character's struggle with their persona or some other inner turmoil. Amame's was particularly great.

The biggest question I have now is if they're gonna go for a third? This was definitely a budget production. The amount of asset reuse, while intelligent, was quite abundant and very noticeable. So I'm going to predict that this has a reasonable chance at a profit. With that I really want to see them finally do something with those multiverse teases. He's done it before plenty of times now, but I really think there's a great opportunity to be subversive here. More than in just an Ever17 sense. To ask how truthful can we be when interfacing with art? The plants are there in both games, especially if you got that secret route. I hope they take the opportunity to do something really weird.

Reviewed on Aug 01, 2022
