Finished replaying and this is... the Best Spider-Man game I have ever played (haven't played 2 yet))

The web swinging is amazing and controls so good. I love the combat. It fits Spider-Man very well. The suits are very good. I love how they came from different sets of comics, including movies. The story is almost flawlessly. Mr. Negative and Doc Ock is written so well that I hated that they turned out the way they did, only because it sucks at what happened to them. This is such an amazing adaptation for Spider-Man and it has one of my most favorite portrayals of the character. The different collectibles and side content is amazing.

Even though the story is almost flawless, one issue I had was how MJ was written. I didn't like how she gets upset and breaks up with Peter just because he is protective of her. Despite the fact that they are in a world filled with dangerous villains. Plus the fact that she gets into any dangerous situation without thinking of the consequences or the fact that she could get in trouble. Another thing I dislike is the stealth sections with Miles and MJ. One thing I could fix is that you should give them a weapon and an actual health meter. Because I get annoyed when I failed the section because I get caught ONCE.

Overall, I truly love this game despite the few flaws I have. This to me, is the definition of the best Spider-Man game. I highly recommend.

Reviewed on Mar 06, 2024
