DMC5 is probably, in my humble opinion, is as perfect as a game will ever be. Not that absolutely everything in this game is objectively groundbreaking but it all culminates in such a way that really struck me. The game play is better than ever, the visuals are groundbreaking, the music is amazing, the characters are awesome, the writing and voice acting are delightfully cheesy, the levels and combat encounters are fun to blast through and the story is simultaneously simple and batshit insane. And that's not even scratching the surface. DMC5 does away with dated mechanics of the past instead of holding onto them, a fate many franchises suffer. The omission of the consumables mechanic makes playing skillfully absolutely paramount on higher difficulties. I have played through the story roughly 6 or 7 times in the last month ever since getting my hands on the game and I'm still not sick of the scenarios, boss fights, characters and gamplay that this game brings to the table. Not to mention Special Editions inclusion of Turbo Mode and Vergil, even further increasing replay value. I look forward to even more playthroughs in the future and I hope to get the platinum trophy as well as pay a visit to the PS4 original and do the same there. This game sets a gold standard for the genre and videogames in general. My only regret is not playing it sooner.

Reviewed on Aug 10, 2021
