This rating is entirely based on my memories of playing it as a kid. So it may be atrocious. I'm not going to go back and replay it. But I liked it quite a bit back then.

Barely a Star Fox game, Star Fox Adventures is a surprisingly enjoyable Zelda game that just so happens to feature Fox McCloud. This game gets a lot of hate for not being what anyone expected of it, which is fair, but it's a fun game in its own right.

In addition to the main game, I enjoyed the weirdo shopkeeper with his squeaky voice, gambling mini-game, and haggling. It's great that he gets pissed off and kicks you out if you try to buy something for too low a price too many times.

It's absolutely not a perfect game and has a lot of issues that I probably wouldn't put up with today.

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2022
