This games good is really good and this games bad is REALLY bad. The amount of spells you can mix and match and combo into each other is absolutely insane. You can absolutely make yourself feel like the Avatar by wielding all 4 elements which is so cool and I feel no game has truly done that.

And while it's fast paced combo game can feel amazing the music is painfully generic in a lot of places and can feel very repetitive. The randomly generated levels also feel super underwhelming and uninspired to explore, with very little variety and annoying dead ends or trapped rooms with nothing in or past them to reward exploration. It has a weird way of trying to remove backtracking with portals that can spawn in some key areas and all link to the boss room after finding it. ...But that only works when the level generation is in your favor and you actually find the boss room before most other stuff on the floor.
The game is REALLY HARD, and often times falls into feeling unfair. The game lacks fair i-frames and allows you to be stunlocked and combo'd to death from groups of enemies or the beginning of long boss attacks. Health pickups feel far too scarce, most of my runs are spent at low HP with few ways to refill. The game also has a lot items that are just not that good or aren't compatible with your current spell loadout like element specific benefits and boost. The cursed item system's downsides seem to always overweigh any good sides to the items and can feel like crutches on the run for trying something different.

Wouldn't call this game horrible though, but it's not amazing either. It can still feel really good the play when you build a cool spell loadout and go nuts on enemies with it.

Reviewed on Nov 27, 2023
