When I first started playing this, I couldn't help but feel like I was setting myself up for disappointment. Resident Evil 2 is one of my absolute favorite games of all time (despite me being terrible at survival horror). The initial hour or so I spent with this game was mostly very stressful and confusing. The city setting just wasn't as fun to navigate as the police station in 2; not to mention I was getting my ass handed to me constantly with the narrow alleyways and annoying enemy placements. I mean, it's certainly just a "git gud" moment, but even when I was learning the ropes with RE2, I was still having fun learning. Not here. And so, I shelved the game, hoping to come back to it later with a newfound sense of appreciation.

Fast forward a few months to June 2nd, 2022 - Sony's State of Play. Among the reveals, we got our first look at the RE4 remake. It was hype and exactly the motivation boost I needed to return to the series. I figured I should cross this one off the backlog before moving on to RE4 again (which I had shelved as well). I ended up going through the rest of the game in a single day.

Now, it needs to be said, I still have some gripes with this one. In particular, I think the city portion is still vastly inferior to the police station. I ended up enjoying it for the most part, but it's still the primary reason I'm not planning on replaying this anytime soon. It feels a bit too large. Backtracking is a given in these games, but it felt particularly grueling in these early sections. But the clock tower and factory? Those were really fun.

As for Nemesis, there is one fight with him in particular that is just straight up broken. If ya know, ya know. Aside from that, I was dreading the random encounters with him. I don't mind the tank controls of these early RE games, but when you are trying to haul ass in the opposite direction because you suddenly get jumped by disfigured Thanos wanting to erase your progress, it's slightly annoying and terrifying. Thankfully, it didn't happen as often as I expected, so I'll give it a pass.

While gameplay is nearly identical to the previous 2 games, there does seem to be less puzzle solving here, with some added combat experimentation through the ability of crafting special ammunition through various gunpowder combinations. I hoarded most of the ones I found until the endgame so I can tear ass in the final fight. And let me tell you, that was a deliciously satisfying time. Oh, and they added a dodge mechanic but, I can barely execute it when I try. Most of the time I do, it's on accident. Another "git gud" moment, for sure.

Overall, it's a fantastic game. One which I kind of lament not loving at first. But I have to admit that RE2 really spoiled me. I'm aware of this game's rushed development, and I have no doubt that this game could have been a masterpiece if they had just spent a while longer working on it.

Reviewed on Jun 04, 2022
