Might as well give this a review while I’m in the middle of my P4AU playthrough.
Honestly? I do think The Answer is kinda overhated but at the same time I can see why people don’t like it. Personally, I think it’s a nice expansion that helps tie up some loose ends in P3’s main story as well as give us a proper look into the characters after the events of the game. I know a LOT of people really don’t like the way specifically Yukari acts in this. Without going into spoilers, I think she was completely justified in her feelings but I do think she’s goes a bit over the top at certain moments but it’s realistic for someone like her who’s going through that sort of situation to listen to your emotions more than your logic.
Now while I like the story of The Answer, the gameplay is something I’m more mixed about. I would consider myself a pretty big defender of P3FES’s gameplay (I think I’m one of the few people who like the AI party members.) but even I can’t deny that The Answer is a lot more tedious and monotonous with it’s gameplay. The great thing about P3’s gameplay was how you were essentially given breaks in between the dungeon crawling through the normal daytime activities like social links. It gave you something to do other than just grind for levels for the next full moon operation. But since The Answer is meant to just be a short (for a JRGP) expansion, they decided to axe out daytime activities in favour of just dungeon crawling. It just starts to feel tiring after a while and it never picks up.
Overall, I would only really recommend The Answer if you want to find out what happened after P3 and you want more Aigis content (which btw her arc in this is very well done).

Reviewed on Apr 13, 2024
