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The Warriors is without a doubt up there with the best of the best in terms of Movie-tie in game. Handled by Rockstar themselves (Toronto Team) when they had all the time in the world to pump out games, it was great to see a Late 70s filled with mystique fleshed out in not only a direct tie in but also a prequel to the events before the big event that kick offs the plot.

Bringing in most of the original cast to reprise their roles, The Warriors game is a great beat-em-up action game that generates a ton of fun especially with co op, but some levels can be quite frustrating in nature as there is some head scratching level design, also the throwing mechanic can just go to hell and have a baseball bat shoved up its ass and turned into a popsicle (I hated it lol). The A.I can be bonkers from time to time but being able to keep em in check with the Warlord callouts can mitigate it when it works (Which it does for the most part). For its time, its probably fine as this game can be beaten rather quickly in about 8 or so hours. Not bad for a Beat-em up. Tons and tons of extras to be had here. Cheat Codes, Rumble Mode (1v1, 2v2) which you can select any gang or even civilians. What's great is that every NPC can be playable in this mode. Flashback missions which provide even more content and context into the warriors history which is always appreciate and the beat'em up arcade within the beat'em up called Armies of the night, a 2D side scroller beat'em up lol similar to double dragon.

If you're a fan of the movie, it's definitely worth checking out. If you have a friend, I would highly recommend playing the game co-op. Lots of Shenanigans can ensue like punching each other on accidently when you meant to punch another gang lol. I played the PS2 classic version on the PS3 which can be bought for less than 10 USD (I think). The PS4 and PS5 ports can be hit or miss from my understanding so I would overall recommend sticking as close as you can to the OG version. PS2 digital on PS3 did not have any issues for me.

Reviewed on Dec 27, 2023
