Nostalgia Glasses ON: Yeah this game is PEAK Video Game Star Wars in the 90s

Nostalgia Glasses OFF: Wow this is very rough game with mediocre controls and hilariously difficult spikes.

Star Wars Shadows of the Empire will always have a soft spot for me consider this game has aged very poorly on both PC and Nintendo 64. It actually wild how much of the merch I have for the property. This Media Campaign to make it feel like a Star Wars movie without producing one was such a amazing experience to live through and its no wonder I have a huge fondness of it to this day.

Now heading back to the game, Yeah this game had some sweet ideas but its certainly overlooked by Mediocre controls and a braindead camera system. This was a time where Dual Analog was just starting to become the norm for games to what we have today for 3rd person shooters but that idea was considered Blasphemy (lol I know).

The Music though, the music is SICK. Like Xizor's Palace, that level OST is stuck in my head rent free almost 30 years later and its certainly the hardest level. The music is certainly top notch even if it repeats at times. The Cutscenes whether you were on PC or N64 are top notch. I actually prefer the N64 ones since I grew up with those but I like the Voice Acting in the PC cutscenes. They are certainly preference.

Dash Rendar I think is one of the coolest Star Wars Characters of all time. It is a shame that he is only mentioned once since the Disney merger but his ship has made more appearances that him. SOTE solidifies him as a "Bad Ass Han Solo" who takes no crap from anyone.

Gameplay and Graphics puts SOTE in a awkward position of a time where 3D games were becoming the norm and everyone had no idea how to create a working consistent control scheme. The difficulty in the later levels certainly did not make good on those controls. It did not age well.

This game certainly had a time and a place in the 90s and early Y2K but as with time it sad to say this game did not age well. If you wanna give it a proper replay, I would recommend just playing it on PC with rebinded controls but don't expect any major improvements. There isn't much to make this game remotely easier. I love this game with all my heart but I can't live and say this game age well. Nostalgia glasses ON is HIGHLY recommended.

Reviewed on May 25, 2023
