The game is an award-winning game, but I didn't find it to be award-winning. The game is a platformer with a 2D linear flow. Since our character in the game is a knight, he uses the key in his hand as a weapon, just like a fencing sword. It consists of 13 chapters and it is a game with 5 bosses and 8 levels. It still feels like it is short. When you finish, you don't wish it was longer, nor do you leave the game halfway through. The game was only released for Sega Saturn. Although it looks good, it's a terrible situation because Although the SGI color palettes used in the game are very beautiful, the marketing of the console is ahead of the game because it is based on showing the power of Sega Saturn. The game cannot go beyond being a technology demo.

The story of the game, Sir Tongara de Pepperouchau III (short for "Pepper"), is to save Chelsea, the Fairy Clockwork Princess, who wakes up the toys in the house every midnight from a toy knight.
Pepper, a friendly rival named Ginger, is both in love with Chelsea, but one day Preneses disappears and evil takes over the toys. Pepper sets out to save Chelsea to save them and make her love real.

Sega initially thought of the game as a game with dark-themed magic and swords, but gave up on this and designed a fantasy world with live toys, and Pixar released Toy Story about a year later. The game was released exclusively for Sega Saturn. It used how well Sega Saturn uses 3D SGI technology and color diversity. However, the graphics resolutions are lower than Donkey Kong Country and Killer Instinct, which came out in the same year and use the same technology.

The game doesn't have much to offer you. It's a plain platformer. There is nothing I can say about the game. When you play the game, you will say that you played a part with the same design in another game. It takes time to get used to the walking control, the character slides in places, but you get used to it in a short time. It can be frustrating due to its slowness. It's nice that the size of the enemies come and go sensitively from the background. We see different enemy models and enemy types in each section. There are small, extremely easy puzzles in the game. Although it seems like a game, there is gambling in the game and the doll's head is cut off. (They painted the doll blue later because it was scary.) You start with full life at the beginning of each episode. There are enough collectibles. There are collectibles like coins and life shields and you can use these collectibles as bets in every gamble. .There are sections with extra hidden bonuses in the game. I didn't need to listen to their music later, but it has a soundtrack that fits the game perfectly. The sound effects are also in place. The background drawings outside the Attic section are very nice, it feels peaceful to stop and look at the background. Boss fights It's very nice, especially fighting the last boss is a lot of fun.

Due to the name of the game, I expected a mechanical gameplay related to time, but it is only mentioned in the name of the character, but it still does not promise such gameplay. The train section and the kitchen section are fun. I like the enemy models outside the Attic section, they have various models from tea to helicopter. Occasional cinematics It was a nice detail. It can be boring to wait for the character to switch to another section in the map, but it is still well thought out that they feed the loading screen like this. It was also didactic that the last boss was the television, which is the enemy of the children. Finally, this game is finished and played even for the music played at the end of the game.

Reviewed on May 05, 2023
