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this game brought me so much joy when i got it on release back in 2010 i beat it in the first week and replayed the missions over and over with my most favourite spider man being noir and least favourite being the amazing spider man i loved the witty sense of humour all the spidermen had but i also loved how all of them had different interpretations of this humour and different play styles to keep the game fresh and interesting with noirs stealth, amazing spidermans web combat, 2099s gliding sections and ultimate's rage mode with every level introducing a new villian and having 2 boss fights each one with the villian in base form and then the final with them using the tablets power to gain strength and then the game ending with mysterio using all the power from the tablet to try and take over the world overall this games mechanics gameplay and story is always fresh and fun to play and watch i will always hold this close to my heart and it will remain one of my favourite games and my favourite spider man game forever

Reviewed on Aug 22, 2023
