There's no denying that the launch for the game is rough. REALLY rough, and the reception for this game could have been better if it wasn't online only. That being said, if you are able to find a game, then you do have yourself a really damn good game. I enjoyed the gameplay and the missions.

I have a couple of major gripes with the game though. I'm not really a big fan of the leveling system being tied to challenges. It was so much simpler in Payday 2 when you can just complete a heist and gain XP by how well you did in the heist. Also, again, the online only issue. Not really a smart move and I hope the devs can release an offline mode in the future. And considering how it's being received, I'd hope it's as soon as possible.

There's a ton of potential with this game, and I feel like if Starbreeze knows that. Here's hoping that this game might end up being better in the future if they listen to some of the feedback. That being said, I still enjoyed this one. Not as good as Payday 2, but there is always room for improvements. As of now, I say wait a bit, about a month or two before picking this one up. That or try it on Game Pass for free.

Reviewed on Sep 24, 2023
